Today is Superbowl day, and this obviously calls for some kind of snack-based foodstuffs to eat whilst watching a sport we don't understand and shouting at the TV when things happen we don't understand.
I found this
recipe on the internet, and immediately I had lots of ideas about ways in which to modify this recipe, using various biscuits I have here in he house. Inspired by, the following experimental biscuits have been made:
1. Oreo cookie sandwiches, as given in the recipe above
2. Jaffa Cake cookie sandwiches, because I can
3. Malted Milk biscuit cookie sandwiches (the ones with the cows on)
4. Control batch (just normal cookies).
The cookie dough recipe I used was from
here, although I'd probably try to make a slightly stiffer dough for next time, since it did melt and spread quite far horizontally, meaning the cookies looked less like those pictured in the recipe and more like UFO biscuits.

Oreo cookie sandwiches (

Jaffa Cake cookie sandwiches (

Malted Milk biscuit cookie sandwiches (

Control cookies (
(The control cookies, of course, came out awesome).
Despite their extreme width, they all tasted pretty phenomenal, due to the fact that they were made of cookie dough and incorporated other kinds of biscuit. The interior of the Oreo sandwiches (the interioreo) looks a lot like the ones in the original recipe, if you ignore the big flat round cookie bit.

Oreo cookie sandwiches, interior (
Jaffa Cake cookie sandwiches, interior (

Malted milk cookie sanwiches, interior (
So in conclusion, baking has, as always, resulted in delicious baked goods, and the addition of further existing baked goods baked into the centre of the baked goods has only improved the situation.