Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Robot Wednesday - Cubelets

As a big fan of both robots and Lego, I was excited to discover that someone on the internet has used the phrase "The Lego of Robotics" (in fact, quite a few people have) - and all of them, literally without exception, are talking about Cubelets.

Cubelets, which are described in the weird and patronising publicity video below, manage to overcome the problem of being marketed by oddballs, and still somehow leave me with a burning desire to forego trivialities such as food, and instead spend this year's entire sustenance budget on tiny cubes I can stick together and impel to perform actions in response to stimuli from their environment.

They're currently only available on pre-order, but it looks like they launch at the end of June. Wow, just in time for my 27.17808219th birthday! Anyone feeling particularly generous, you know what to do.

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